Containertrailer sales

A container-trailer with wheels and pneumatic truck tires. It is used for mixed (combined) truck-rail, truck-ship, or truck-ship-rail transport. Container trailers are usually made like truck semitrailers, with a closed or open body (universal or specialized), a volume of at least 15 cu m, and a carrying capacity of 6 to 30 tons. Containers are fastened with the aid of twistlocks to avoid falling of whilst driving.
Container trailers can be towed on highways; and they are also loaded and unloaded from railroad flatcars and special ships by truck tractors (Tugmasters). The trailers have fixed or removable wheel assemblies with one, two, or three axles.
Trailers with fixed wheels are secured on railroad flatcars by special devices; those with removable wheel assemblies usually are not fastened.