Container rental - Information

Are you interested in the possibility of shaping planned investments ?

You can rent the necessary containers from us. The question quickly arises: in which cases is container hire the right choice? Conditions such as duration, return location and transfer of ownership come into play. It is possible, if agreed in advance, to either take over ownership of the container at the end of the rental period (hire purchase), or to return the container to us at the end of the rental period.

Requirements for containers can vary greatly. Many of our customers use our containers for regularly transporting goods, usually over a large number of years. In addition to their own containers, rented containers complement the whole.

This can make sense on several grounds. Many times, the need for containers cannot be planned over a large number of years. Renting can also be a solution if cash is needed elsewhere.

Rental terms are variable, and can be adapted to your needs;

Term extension:
Should it become apparent during the term of the rental that the need to use the leased property is of longer duration, the rental term can be adjusted, or possibly purchase from the rental.

Shortening the term:
In the light of a very uncertain need situation, it may be helpful, to flexibly shorten the return and thus termination of the lease. In such circumstances, rental terms are offered that allow you to return the equipment earlier than after the end of the rental period.